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Italia    Valcamonica, Bagnolo 1 EuroPreArt - European Prehistoric Art

Italy map
Keywords: Copper Age, map, sun, daggers, axes
Institution: Cooperativa Archeologica Le Orme dell'Uomo (Footsteps of Man)
Orme dell'Uomo - Footsteps of Man, Valcamonica - Italy
Specific feedbackSpecific feedback




Malegno, Ceresolo-Bagnolo






click to enlarge
The boulder Bagnolo 1 conserved in National Engravings Park, Naquane, Capo di Ponte (BS) - (photo CCSP, by ANATI 1982).
click to enlarge
Copyright. No commercial use of EuroPreArt content is allowed. Specific © for pictures and drawings is mentioned in the captions or owned by each Author or Institution.
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Environment & Surface


700 m
Open-air   Shelter   Cave Portable   Megalithic

Found at the base of Monte Mignone, on a morenic terrace, during the excavation of a house. It has been conserved by the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici till 1994.


Near to a road that connects with the centre of Malegno


Sandstone erratic boulder


Polished, convex, concave surface. Patina, cracks.

Length 1.12 m.  Width 0.88 m.  Depth 0.55 m.




Engravings   Paintings   Painted engravings   High or low-relief   Sculpture
Malegno Municipality (BS-I), in the Bagnolo-Ceresolo site. The engravings are executed on a boulder by hammering. Almost all the engravings are concentrated on the frontal surface in the middle upper part of the surface. The boulder was an erratic stone.

total number 14
Sun, map (double rectangle), axes, daggers of Remedello type, belt, ibex


Palaeolithic   Epipalaeolithic - Mesolithic   Neolithic   Copper Age   Bronze Age   Iron Age   Roman   Middle Age   Modern   Unknown
Copper Age (style III A 1; 2900/2800-2400 BC). The style IIIA1 (as defined by DE MARINIS) is dated by comparison between the engraved figures and the real objects (Copper Age daggers) found at the burial site of Remedello (BS). It is so called "Remedellian". The next style (IIIA2) pertains to a bell-beaker phase (2400-2200 BC).


The boulder was discovered on 12 July 1963. More info about Valcamonica and Alpine Rock Art at More info about Valcamonica and Alpine Rock Art at

European total bibliography, by EuroPreArt partnersTotal (Europe)
Italia EuroPreArt general bibliography, by Cooperativa Archeologica Le Orme dell'Uomo (Footsteps of Man)General (country)
Specific Valcamonica, Bagnolo 1 bibliography, by Cooperativa Archeologica Le Orme dell'Uomo (Footsteps of Man)Specific (site)
Rock Art Studies: A Bibliographic worldwide Database (external link). Compiled by Leigh Marymor. Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by the Library, University of California, Berkeley Bibliographic
Rock Art




Public   Private   Park   Classified site


There are problems of esfoliations with cracks.


Good   Quite good   Mediocre   Bad


After the tracing (1993) and the restoration at the moment the boulder is preserved in the National Park of Naquane at Capo di Ponte (Valcamonica-BS).




A. Fossati 2001


Cooperativa Archeologica Le Orme dell'Uomo (Footsteps of Man)
         Record n. 440 / 807
No commercial use is allowed. Specific © is mentioned in the captions or owned by each Author or Institution  
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NEW: Alpine rock paintings
enter the Balma dei Cervi Virtual Museum and surf the Virtual Tour: spherical pano-views,
hi-def flat photos and tracings

EuroPreArt, European Prehistoric Art, is a web-based archaeological project funded by the European Union which aims to establish a lasting data-base of European prehistoric art documentation, to launch the base of an European institutional network and to contribute to the awareness of the diversity and richness of European Prehistoric Art.
It is proposed by: Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (IPT, Portugal), CUEBC - European University Centre for Cultural Heritage (Italy - Europe), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Asociación Cultural Colectivo Barbaón (España), Université de Liège (Belgique), Gotland University College (Sverige), University College Dublin (Eire), Cooperativa Archeologica Le Orme dell'Uomo (Italia), Study Centre and Museum of Prehistoric Art of Pinerolo (Italia), The European Centre for Prehistoric Research in the Alto Ribatejo (Portugal), ArqueoJovem - a youth NGO (Portugal).
Instituto Politécnico de Tomar - Portugal CUEBC - European University Centre for Cultural Heritage, Ravello - Italy CSIC - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid - Spain Orme dell'Uomo - Footsteps of Man, Valcamonica - Italy Asociación Cultural Colectivo Barbaón, Extremadura -Spain Liège University - Belgium Gotland University - Sweden University College Dublin - Ireland CeSMAP - Centro Studi e Museo d'Arte Preistorica. Pinerolo, Italy Arqueo Jovem

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